Classified business is very cost-effective marketing solution for any business or service you wish to promote through internet. This concept doesn't only provide you the huge traffic but it helps you to grab targeted traffic through it's advanced system. The reason for it's wide popularity is ease to locate any thing you are looking for. Suppose you wish to buy a cell phone below 200$ then you can specify that in search criteria or filter from the available list, compare the features with other products and watch the received review.
Different products are available for Classified business in the market, if you will look for the list then visit any search engine and write the query and hit the search button. But with the number of products you will become confused which one is best and all products will be claiming it's superiority than other competitors. There are certain factors to look for before you buy classified theme for WordPress.
The best product I can suggest is WordPress Classified Script designed by SiteMile. This theme transforms you WordPress website into fully automated classified platform where everything is managed smoothly. This is possible because of the latest features integration, and advanced coding practice.
The theme is regularly updated by the developer so you will receive free update automatically when it's released.If we talk about specialty of the features then it has specially Ads posting format to easily generate ads posting and release it with relevant tags, categories, price and other details. The whole platform works on drag and drop concept so you can easily add or remove any functionality at your will, whether you are novice user or experienced it will be suitable for any one.
Special email notification system is available to notify the user upon posting new ads, or a violation is happened. Social platforms are also supported for twitter and facebook to get in touch with your clients and share the latest news. Blog section is also given so that you can announce new release or latest talk with users.
All users have to register to create a profile and manage everything from there. Profile section allows them to add information and other bio details, it displays received rating from other users and various details. Moreover google map is supported with street view feature so you can display location of ad. Google analytics is supported where you just need to enter tracking code to start tracking automatically.
Last but not least dedicated customer support is available to all buyers from Sitemile and if you come across custom website requirements then you can ask for that which you won't get from other product developer, because of this specialties WordPress Classifed Theme is better than other products in the market
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